
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2024
Second Sunday in Lent, 2024 Mark 8:31-38 Rev. Neli Miranda   Today's Gospel brings us to the crucial moment that marks the beginning of the Lenten journey, the decision to take up the cross and follow Jesus to Jerusalem. Mark tells us that while they are in Caesarea of Philippi, Jesus announces that he will assume his commitment to the last consequences.  He is going to proclaim God’s message in Jerusalem, where rejection, suffering, and death await him. Not going to Jerusalem would have been inconsistent with his mission. Jesus’ announcement scandalizes his disciples! They can barely understand what Jesus is saying, his announcement goes against their messianic expectations.  In the preceding verses, Jesus and his disciples have had a talk about Jesus’ identity. During the talk, Jesus poses a question to them “…who do you say that I am?” to which Peter responds, “You are the Messiah.” In Mark’s gospel, Jesus does not praise Peter for his answer like he does in Matthew’s .
First Sunday in Lent, 2024 Mark 1,9-14 Rev. Neli Miranda   The first Sunday in Lent brings us once again to the first chapter of Mark’s Gospel, which we have read during the Epiphany season. On the first Sunday after the Epiphany, we read about Jesus’ baptism, and on the fourth Sunday, we read about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. Besides these passages, today’s Gospel includes an important event in Jesus’ life: the testing or temptation in the wilderness.   At his baptism in the Jordan River, Jesus saw the heavens torn apart and the divine presence descending upon him, and he heard God’d voice confirming him as the Beloved Son; so, he is ready to begin his ministry. However, just before Jesus starts his ministry, we find him in the wilderness. For the Israelites, the wilderness was considered a place of trial, learning, growing and reflection, a place to find oneself, to confront one’s fears, but especially, a place of encounter with God.   Today, we read that
  Last Sunday after the Epiphany 2024 Mark 9,2-9 Rev. Neli Miranda Today, we come to the close of the liturgical season called "After the Epiphany" in our Anglican tradition. During this season we have experienced the Epiphany, God’s glory among us. First, we experienced the glorious epiphany when we joined the magi from the east who were seeking the child who was born king, the baby Jesus. In Bethlehem, we received God’s manifestation in the most human image, a mother holding her newborn baby in arms. There, together with the magi, we offered our gifts and saw the glory of God in the eyes of a newborn.   Later, we accompanied Jesus to his baptism in the Jordan River, we saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending upon Jesus, and we heard the divine voice saying to the committed Jesus, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased” (Mk1,11). What a glorious epiphany we experienced when we also committed to God in the renewal of our baptismal vows!
  Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany 2024 Mark 1:29-39 Rev. Neli Miranda   This Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Jesus continues in Galilee proclaiming the good news of God. Some weeks ago, he began his ministry announcing, “ The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near…”    What a meaningful message for those who lived under the kingdom of Rome and the Jewish authorities’ tyranny! Both Roman and Jewish rulers had produced poverty, despair, anguish, many diseases, and ailments among the people. Today, Jesus continues his proclamation in Capernaum, a Galilean city. There, Jesus makes God present among the desperate people who suffer from different illnesses. Jesus does not proclaim an ethereal presence but a reality that transforms peoples’ lives in all ways. Last Sunday, Mark told us that Jesus’ first actions in Capernaum were aimed at liberating people from the authoritarian teachings of the Scribes who wanted to keep them under control.   Jesus then continues to