Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, July 16, 2023

Matthew 13,1-9;18-23

Rev. Neli Miranda


Listen! A sower went out to sow…!”

This generous sower sows abundantly, and the seeds fall everywhere. Some seeds fall along the path but never have the chance to sprout or grow because the birds eat them up. Other seeds fall on rocky ground with not much soil, so they spring up quickly, but when the sun rises, the seeds are scorched and wither away. Other seeds fall among thorns that thrive and choke the seeds. Finally, some seeds fall on good soil and bring forth grain, some hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty…  “Let anyone with ear listen!”

What do you hear? A sower, seeds, soil, fruit… Who is this sower who scatters seeds on different kinds of soil? What is the seed that he scatters? What do the different kinds of soil mean?  Let us listen to how Jesus clarifies this parable to his disciples, to us.

Through this parable Jesus explains peoples’ different responses to his proclamation. He is the sower who tirelessly goes out to sow the seed of the word of God: “the word of the Kingdom” that grows among the people. However, Jesus’ proclamation arises different reactions like rejection and hostility, although he also sees how the seed begins to grow in some listeners.  By using the images of the different soils, Jesus speaks to us of the different listeners’ hearts and how they react to his teachings.

Jesus tells us how some seeds fell on the path and the birds ate them. This image is of those who hear the message but do not understand it. The Greek term for “understand” is synieme which means “to bring together”.  Synieme is the process of analysis, reflection and internalization of the word of God in one’s own heart. When there is no understanding, the message is lost, snatched by the evil one—the one/ones who oppose the growth of the Kingdom of God in the world. The seeds spread on the rocky ground represent those who respond with great enthusiasm to the message, but because they are rootless (lacking foundation), when they are faced with hard times, they wither away. The seed that falls among thorns represents those who hear the word of God, but since they are busy with the cares and riches of the world, the word of God has no opportunity to grow and give fruit. The good soil represents the heart of those who hear the word, listen to it understand. They are the ones who bear the abundant fruit of the Kingdom of God, which is justice and peace.

Dear sisters and brothers, the sower daily goes out to sow! You can hear the sower when you read the Bible, at the church, in the streets, in your home…  Do you feel the seeds falling on your heart?  Do you hear the word of God and listen to it?  Do you take time to analyze and reflect what the sower tells you?

Sometimes we hear the word of God, but we do not understand it, so the birds in our daily life eat it; thus, we do not produce fruit. Sometimes we hear the word of God and feel enthusiastic, but we do not allow the seeds/the word of God to sprout and grow in our lives. On many occasions, the word of God is scattered in our hearts, but we are so busy with our own daily affairs that we do not listen to it. Consequently, we remain fruitless with no changes in our own lives and in our communities. However, we are blessed because the sower is very generous and continually scatters seeds in our hearts.

Sisters and brothers, God daily sows seeds of life in our hearts and wants us to flourish and bear good fruits, that is, actions that produce life. God wants us to live fully. Let us prepare our hearts, let us hear and listen to the word of God. Let us bear the fruits of the Kingdom of God in this world: Justice and Peace. Amen.



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