Sixth Sunday of Easter 2022

John 14,23-29

Rev. Neli ML


Sisters and brothers, since Easter Day the risen Jesus has been in our midst proclaiming that death does not have the final word, renewing our lives, and reawakening our mission in this world. While his ascension into heaven approaches, today Jesus continues to strengthen us, reminding us that we are not alone in this world and giving us his peace.

This Sunday, we continue reading John’s Gospel where we find Jesus’ farewell discourse amid his first community of disciples. It is them who are going to continue his mission and Jesus’s words prepare them to face the situations that are to come after his departure.  In continuing Jesus’ mission, the disciples will face great challenges in the socio-political and religious context of the first century such as the opposition of the Jewish authorities and the persecution of the Roman Empire. The world they are going to face is certainly a difficult, troubled world! 

In the passage we read today, Jesus assures his disciples that they will have the guide of the Holy Spirit, whom he calls the Advocate. This term is translated from the Greek term Parakletos, which comes from the legal field and defines “one who is called to one’s side, to one’s aid”. In the widest sense, Parakletos means a helper, succourer, counselor, and comforter. In the preceding verses we read that Jesus told his disciples, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever” (14,16). Jesus is the first Advocate, and now that he will not be physically with his community, another Advocate, the Holy Spirit, the presence of God will be experienced by the community. This divine presence will guide them in a world of political, spiritual, and religious uncertainty and will remind them of Jesus’ teachings. “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you,” Jesus says (14,26). It is the Holy Spirit that has guided Jesus’ community to remain faithful throughout the centuries proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

In a world where we face various trials, it is great to know that we have an Advocate who continually counsels us and reminds us of Jesus’ teachings.  Do we feel and hear our Advocate at our side?

It seems that Jesus’ disciples, we, are not listening to the Advocate’s voice, especially when we look around us and find war, injustices, hunger, poverty, malnutrition…  If we listened to our Advocate these would not exist.

Last Sunday, in a context of denial and trial, Jesus commanded us to love one another. Today, in a troubled context he speaks about peace, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.” Jesus gives his disciples full peace, not the peace imposed with war and oppression—like the Pax Romana—in the first century. The peace that Jesus gives is the one we experience in all kinds of tribulation. It is a way of life for Jesus’ disciples, who continually hear the calming voice, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid” (14,27).

Sisters and brothers, every year, the liturgical cycle brings us to a time of growth when we hear Jesus’ farewell words. His words are a reminder that we are not alone in our mission in this world, that we have an Advocate at our side, and that we must continue moving forward. Certainly, present context is a troubled world with pandemics, with powerful people waging war on the weakest and destroying the processes of justice and peace; yet today, we continue to hear the voice of Jesus saying, “Peace I leave with you. Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Amen.


  1. Thank you for this beautiful message of peace, Mother Neli. I find it comforting that our Advocate is with us always. Jeanne Mitchell

    1. Hello Jean! thank you for leaving me your feedback. Is not it great the image of the Advocate Jesus uses to teach about the Holy Spirit?


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