
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022
  Sixth Sunday of Easter 2022 John 14,23-29 Rev. Neli ML   Sisters and brothers, since Easter Day the risen Jesus has been in our midst proclaiming that death does not have the final word, renewing our lives, and reawakening our mission in this world. While his ascension into heaven approaches, today Jesus continues to strengthen us, reminding us that we are not alone in this world and giving us his peace. This Sunday, we continue reading John’s Gospel where we find Jesus’ farewell discourse amid his first community of disciples. It is them who are going to continue his mission and Jesus’s words prepare them to face the situations that are to come after his departure.   In continuing Jesus’ mission, the disciples will face great challenges in the socio-political and religious context of the first century such as the opposition of the Jewish authorities and the persecution of the Roman Empire. The world they are going to face is certainly a difficult, troubled world!   In th
  Fifth Sunday of Easter 2022 John 13,31-35 Rev. Neli ML   After the celebration of the Good Shepherd’s Sunday in Easter, we notice the farewell tone of the Gospel lessons. These lessons are appropriately placed in the context that precedes the ascension of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost we will celebrate in the coming weeks.   In John’s Gospel we find an extensive passage of four chapters (13-17) where Jesus, as a good teacher and shepherd, comforts his disciples and teaches them how to be a community in the world after his departure. Jesus’ teaching in these chapters is about love. Today’s passage is taken from Chapter 13 where, in the middle of the Last Supper, Jesus commands his disciples to love one another as he has loved them. This commandment is given amid a community of disciples whom Jesus loves deeply. In the preceding verses we read that Jesus gets up from the table and taking on the role of a slave, he washes his disciples’ dirty
  13 de mayo  Cuando una madre se va, cae encima el peso del mundo que ella sostenía...   La amo mi madre querida. Usted sostuvo tanto en este mundo. Ahora descansa. 💗
  Fourth Sunday of Easter  The Good Shepherd Sunday. John chapter 10 Rev. Neli Miranda   The fourth Sunday of Easter, or Good Shepherd Sunday, is celebrated each year in the liturgical cycle, and we read a passage of the Gospel taken from John Chapter 10, where Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd. Thus, every year, we hear the sweet voice of Jesus saying, “I am the good Shepherd .” Jesus presents himself as the Good Shepherd in a confrontational context with Jewish authorities—the religious leaders—regarding the healing of a man born blind. Jesus has healed the man on a Sabbath day, and the religious leaders are outraged because Jesus is breaking the law. The blind man has spent all his life begging to survive, and now he has recovered his sight. However, the religious leaders do not care about the wellbeing of the people, and instead of supporting this man and his family for his reincorporation into society, they take him and his family to a religious trial and treat them b