
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2024
  Third Sunday after the Epiphany 2024 Mark 1,14-20 Rev. Neli Miranda   This Sunday the Epiphany arrives in Galilee, Jesus’ homeland.   Mark tells us today that Jesus has arrived in Galilee proclaiming the good news of God after John the Baptist was arrested. Jesus indeed has consecrated his life to God because in picking up John’s message, he is at risk of suffering the same fate of the one who is now imprisoned.   Thus, in the midst of persecution and in open defiance to the reign of Caesar and Herod, Jesus openly proclaims, “ The kingdom of God has come near.” By this powerful announcement, Jesus calls the people to turn to God and believe in the good news. In short, Jesus is announcing that the reign of Caesar and Herod is over. After telling us about the intense beginning of Jesus’ ministry, Mark immediately takes us to the shores of the Sea of Galilee where the Epiphany reaches a group of fishermen. Mark’s account is brief but speaks for itself:   Jesus first sees two b
Second Sunday after the Epiphany 2024 John 1,43-51 Rev. Neli Miranda   Last Sunday we witnessed the glorious Epiphany that took place in the Jordan River when Jesus consecrated himself to God in his baptism.   John’s Gospel does not describe the moment when Jesus is baptized but presents us with the testimony of John the Baptist who witnessed first-hand this glorious moment, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him [Jesus]. (1,32). From this moment on, Jesus begins to form a community of disciples who will accompany him to proclaim the good news of God and bring the Epiphany among the people. In the fourth Gospel, the call to the first disciples differs from the other evangelists’ accounts. Here, the first community of Jesus’ disciples emerges from a chain of first-hand testimonies about experiencing Jesus. Those who testify, like John the Baptist, have experienced the Epiphany; they have seen and heard Jesus, and they confidently call othe
                                               The baptism of our Lord. January 7, 2023. Mark 1,4-1 Rev. Neli Miranda   Tradition reminds us that the beginning of every year is a promising time to make New Year’s resolutions. On the other hand, in our Christian spirituality the New Year coincides with the celebration of Jesus’ baptism, which reminds us of the call to renew our own baptismal vows. This great coincidence allows us to begin the New Year with new proposals guided by our Christian commitment. From December 25 th to January 5 th, we celebrated Christmas Season. And yesterday, January 6 th , we began a new season, which begins with the Epiphany Day when the Glory of God is manifested to all the peoples of the earth in baby Jesus. After the glorious events of Christmas and the Epiphany, the infant Jesus returned to Nazareth with his parents, and there, under their loving care, Jesus has reached maturity and plenitude in his life; he is now ready to consecrate himself