
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2022
Third Sunday of Advent 2022 Matthew 11:1-9, Isaiah 35: 1-10, Canticle 15, The song of Mary Rev. Neli Miranda             The third Sunday of Advent is called “Gaudete Sunday”, which means “Sunday of joy”, and invite us to live the joy of anticipation at the approach of the Christmas celebration. The lessons we read today call us to rejoice in the past, present and the future manifestation of God among the whole creation. In the first reading, Isaiah offers us a splendid vision of the coming of God among the suffering people of Israel who lived under the oppression of foreign rulers (Babylonians, Persians, and then Hellenes).   Isaiah announces the redemption of the people, that is, their freedom from political captivity and oppression, so they can envision themselves journeying back to Jerusalem.   Notice that God’s manifestation begins in the natural world; it is the land and plants that first awaken, respond, and announce God’s arrival; they rejoice and sing: “ T he wilderne
Second Sunday of Advent Matthew 3:1-12 Rev. Neli Miranda   Advent unfolds in the past, present, and future dimensions and each one of them points to the manifestation of God in our midst and all creation. The first dimension reminds us of the first Advent proclaimed by the prophets and the birth of Jesus, which fulfilled the hope of the faithful Israelites. The second dimension proclaims the return of Jesus and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God in the world. And, the third dimension is more daily, it is about the continuous coming of God to our lives. These dimensions are intertwined in Advent season spirituality when we look back, forward, and activate with hope in our present. Today's Gospel tells us about the first Advent whose proclamation begins in the wilderness . Matthew tells us that John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea proclaiming the arrival of the Kingdom of God and calling people to repent. “In those days John the Baptist appeared i