
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2022
  Proper 12. July 24, 2022 Luke 11:1-13 Rev. Neli ML Today’s Gospel brings us one of the most representative passages of the Christian faith, “The Lord´s Prayer”, which has been the prayer for excellence in Christian spirituality. Many Christian generations have prayed this prayer throughout the centuries! Matthew and Luke recorded this prayer and the beautiful memory of Jesus teaching it to his first community. Luke’s version is shorter and differs in some details from Matthew’s.   Nonetheless, they both tell us of this endearing moment when Jesus teaches his disciples to pray. In his account, Luke tells us that Jesus was praying, and when he had finished, one of his disciples asked him “Lord, teach us to pray…” (11,1).   Why would this disciple ask Jesus this when it was known that the Jews recited prayers three times a day? Maybe Jesus’ way of praying was so distinct and moving that his disciples wanted to learn his way. Thanks to this disciple, today we have a beautiful c
  Proper 11, July 17, 2022 Luke 10:38-48 Rev. Neli ML   Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus were three of the most important disciples in Jesus’ ministry. They lived in Bethany, a small village two miles from Jerusalem. Through the Gospel of John we learn more about them, the great relationship they had with Jesus, and how much he loved them. In today’s Gospel we only hear about Martha and Mary. Very succinctly, Luke tells us that Jesus entered a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him. Despite this brief introduction, from the beginning we can perceive Martha’s great leadership and her very active personality. Luke also tells us that Martha had a sister named Mary, who from the beginning, appears seated at Jesus’ feet. However, she is not just only seated but listening to Jesus’ words.   The sisters’ different personalities made them a great duo of disciples serving Jesus. This time Martha is not enjoying Jesus’ company, and Luke tells us that she is distra
  Proper 10. July 10, 2022 Lucas 10,25-37 Rev. Neli ML   Sisters and brothers, I would like to begin my sermon by asking you the same question Jesus asks the expert in Jewish law, what is written in the law? What do you read there? (10,26) This lawyer, expert in Jewish Law, came to Jesus to test him by asking, what must I do to inherit eternal life? (10,25).   Jesus made him respond to his own question by asking him the two key questions above. The lawyer knew the law very well and replied, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ response was direct and simple, Do this, and you will live (10,27,28). Given that his first question was a test, and feeling ashamed, the lawyer raised another question in an attempt to justify himself, And who is my neighbor? (10,29). Jesus responded with a great story, well known as the parable of the Good Samaritan, wh