
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2022
  Third Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 8, June 26, 2022 Luke 9,51-62 Rev. Neli ML   Last Sunday, Jesus took us to the other side, to the region of the Gerasenes, which is opposite Galilee. In moving to the other side, Jesus showed us other realities beyond our boundaries, and we learned there are many people in need of liberation from the evil power which oppresses them, and that our proclamation must transcend our four walls. Today, once again, Jesus asks us to move forward and invites us to travel with him to Jerusalem. So, beginning today, we will be on the way, walking with Jesus who has determined to transcend his mission from Galilee, through Samaria to Jerusalem (Galilee, Samaria, and Judea conformed the region of Palestine, whose capital was Jerusalem). This will be a path filled with rich learning and growth in our discipleship. Having experienced Easter, now we know that the end of this path is not the cross but Jesus’ victory over death. Dear sisters and brothers,
  Proper 7, year “C”. June 19, 2022 Luke 8,26-38 Rev. Neli Miranda   After the celebration of Pentecost and Holy Trinity Sunday, today we are ready to begin a new journey with Jesus. During the coming months we are going to follow him in his proclamation of the good news, and we are going to learn from him along the way. Unlike the season of Lenten, we now walk with Jesus having experienced Easter and Pentecost and become the community of Jesus, the church that proclaims the kingdom of God in this world.   This Sunday, Jesus asks us to go across to the other side… In the preceding verses,                                                                                      in the company of his first disciples, women and men, Jesus has been proclaiming and bringing the good news throughout the different cities and villages of Galilee. Luke then tells us that after teaching the parable of the good Sower to his disciples, Jesus said to them, “ Let us go across to the other sid
  Trinity Sunday 2022   John 16:12-15 Rev. Neli Miranda   Last Sunday, after some weeks of growth, we celebrated Pentecost, the culmination of the path of Easter. Every Easter we are renewed and strengthened by the presence of the risen Jesus, and we are also guided toward a recreation. We experience this recreation in Pentecost, when, as a community, we offer our lives before God, and God blesses us with the presence of the Holy Spirit. In Pentecost, as in the first creation, God breathes into us the breath of Life, and we become a living community among the world, ready to continue Jesus’ mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of God in all the world.   After the celebration of Pentecost, we begin a new path of growth, the season called “After Pentecost”, but first we must celebrate one of the fundamental Christian beliefs, the Holy Trinity. In our walk with Jesus, we have learned that God is not an isolated being living far removed from humanity but a being of community, of f
 Insights... A veces duelen, a veces traen una profunda tristeza, a veces dan alegría... Ahora he caído en la cuenta de que "mi mamá ya no está..."  21de junio de 2022, casi a tres meses que se fue mi mamita linda. 😢

Pentecost Sunday

  Pentecost Day, June 5, 2022 Genesis, Acts 2,1-21; Genesis 11, 1-9 and John 14,8-17 Rev. Neli ML   And when the Day of Pentecost had come, they were all of one mind, in one place.   And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as that of a rushing, mighty wind. And it filled all the house where they sat ( Acts 2,1-2) The image of a rushing, mighty wind on the day of Pentecost reminds us of images of the first creation in the book of Genesis in which we read that when God began to create the heavens and earth, there was chaos and darkness, “… while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters” (1,1). This is the prelude to the life that was about to be created in the universe. Thus , the images of the coming of the Holy Spirit, a mighty wind coming from Heaven, must be read in light of a new creation started in Jesus’ resurrection. On the Day of Pentecost, God recreates humanity in Jesus’ first community, which is filled with the divine wind, the Holy Spirit. They becam

Seventh Sunday of Easter

  Seventh Sunday of Easter John 17,20-26 Rev. Nel ML   This past Thursday was the feast of the Ascension of Jesus when we celebrate the victorious ascension of Jesus to God. On this feast we celebrate that Jesus resisted and defeated the power of this world not with violence but with a cross, love, and solidarity. Today, we celebrate the seventh Sunday of Easter, a special Sunday in Easter season because this is a bridge between the ascension of Jesus and the coming day of Pentecost. So, today some of us might be feeling a void because Jesus is gone!   Jesus is gone but not without first recreating and commissioning us to continue with the proclamation of the kingdom of God. During the past few weeks, the risen Jesus has been in our midst reminding us that we are a community of life, love, service, reconciliation, and restoration in the world. As our first Advocate, Jesus has been at our side to comfort, counsel, and prepare us for the trials in the world, and he has promis