
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022
  Third Sunday of Easter  John 20:1- 19 Rev. Neli Miranda   The Gospels tell us of several accounts in which the risen Jesus reveals himself to his community of disciples, women &   men. These accounts tell us about the diversity of Jesus’ community in the first century and the diverse leaderships that arose after his resurrection and his commission: Mary Magdalene, Simon-Peter, Thomas, and the beloved disciple among others. Each of them received the good news of the risen Jesus in a different way, and for some, it took some time to understand it and respond accordingly. Today, we read John’s Gospel Chapter 21, which seems to be an addendum to the Gospel given that, in the previous chapter, the evangelist had closed his account with the manifestation of the risen Jesus to Mary Magdalene and the group of disciples who remained in hiding, and his mission for them to reconcile and restore the broken world.   However, it seems that the Johannine community decided to add this ep

Second Sunday of Easter 2022

  Second Sunday of Easter 2022 John 20:19-31 Rev. Neli Miranda   Easter is more than a liturgical season in our Christian calendar; it is a call to L ife, to recreation, to rebirth. It coincides with the beginning of spring and reveals the presence of God in nature through the blossoming of life on earth. In our Christian tradition, this season is preceded by the painful event of the cross leading us to a moment of death, emptiness, darkness, and of expectation for the first sprout of life, the first fruit of God’s creation, the risen Jesus. On the first Sunday of Easter, a group of women disciples, defying death, dared to go to Jesus’ tomb where they found the good news of the risen Jesus. These women, apostles of Jesus, immediately proclaimed the good news to the group of disciples who remained in hiding, but they did not believe the women. Now that evening has fallen over Jerusalem, they remain in hiding behind locked doors for fear of the Jews.   The traumatic experienc
  20 de abril, 2022 Algunos días toca trabajar hasta el cansancio. Otros días, una encuentra ayuda en el trabajo que se ha hecho en el camino. Que gran alegría por el trabajo realizado y el descanso ahora ganado. 

EASTER Sunday 2022

  Easter Sunday 2022 Luke 24:1-12 Rev. Neli ML   From the beginning of Jesus’ proclamation in Galilee, he has been accompanied by a group of disciples, women, and men who have followed him for the past three years. In the middle of Luke’s account, he succinctly tells us about a group of women disciples who are part of Jesus’ movement: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others (8:3).   They will reappear on the scene until the last chapters as the male disciples disappear at Jesus’ execution and resurrection.   Luke says that at Jesus’ execution “ all his acquaintances, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things.” (23:49). These Galilean women followed Joseph of Arimathea who provided a place for Jesus to be buried and “saw the tomb and how his body was laid. Then they returned, and prepared spices and ointments.” (23:55). They now knew where Jesus laid in order to return after the sabbath day to prepare him proper